I’m going to share my post on suicide from last year that still has relevant information. If you are seeking help either for yourself or someone else, know that you are not alone and that help is out there.
I read a meme or something years ago, that said just smiling at someone might make a life or death difference to the person receiving that smile. Even if that stat wasn’t true, I mean how will we ever know for sure, why not share your smile and possibly make them feel a bit better? If nothing else it will make YOU feel better. I had several classmates commit suicide when I was young and I always wonder what if I had noticed or said something that might have helped them find the help they needed. So I try to smile as often as I can to people I know and those that I don’t as it doesn’t cost anything and it makes me a bit happier and wouldn’t this world be a much better place if we all did that?
Here are a couple more sites that talk about smiling at strangers: Psychology Today, Sentinel & Enterprise, Sara Esther Crispe.
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